Michael Abrahamson Memorial Scholarship
Name of Scholarship: Wisconsin Trappers Association Michael Abrahamson Memorial Scholarship
Amount: $500
Level of education: High school graduate and above
Financial need: Will be considered
Intended career and/or major: Must be pursuing a career in a Wildlife or Conservation related field, such as biology, botany, natural resources, etc. Physical science fields like chemistry or physics will not qualify.
Intended school: Any accredited four-year college or university, or a two- year campus which is associated with a larger system or accredited technical college.
Personal characteristics: The W.T.A. Scholarship Committee is looking for a student who is successful in life, who has developed a strong sense of discipline, and an ability to lead and motivate others. Someone that possesses a well-rounded character. They should be selfless of their time and talent to others. These are some of the characteristics that Michael Abrahamson exhibited.
Work history: Will be considered
Extra-curricular activities: will be considered
Student study qualification: Minimum of 12 credits per semester
Time limit for use of award: Must be used within one (1) calendar year of the award date
Schedule of payment: $500 will be awarded upon completion of first semester and proof of registration for second semester. (Contact Committee chairman for instructions for receipt.)
This scholarship may be awarded regardless of other scholarships.
Naming an alternate by selection committee: If recipient chooses not to attend college, changes major/career, or doesn’t pursue a second semester, an alternate will be selected by the committee. The alternate will then be awarded the $500 scholarship.
Preferences: Preferences will be given to applicants whose parents/guardians have been and are currently members of the Wisconsin Trappers Association.
Application availability: Students may download applications by visiting wistrap.org.
Students may get more information by writing committee chairman Junior Prudlick at prudlickjrdeb@gmail.com or mail to 315 Maple St., Strum, WI. 54770-8400.
The Wisconsin Trappers Association is a non-profit, tax-exempt organization dedicated to:
-Conserving Wisconsin’s fur resource-Preserving Trapper’s rights
-Educating Trappers
-Increasing public awareness of trapping issues and benefits
-Continuing our fur trade heritage
Wisconsin Trappers Association Michael Abrahamson Memorial Scholarship Committee Chairman,
Junior Prudlick
315 Maple St.
Strum, WI. 54770-8400
District 10 Scholarship
WTA DISTRICT 10 Scholarship
Award: District 10 will award one $1000.00 scholarship this year. Application Deadline: August 15. Award notification will occur on or before September 15.
These scholarships are to support students entering the field of wildlife management whose career goals and/or research are in direct or indirect support of sound furbearer management
- Graduate students, post-graduate students or undergraduates who will have sophomore status in the fall.
- Applicants must be attending an accredited four-year college, a two-year campus that is part of a larger college or University, or an accredited technical college.
- Applicants must be pursuing a degree or research project in natural resource management or a closely related field.
- The award can be used for direct payment of tuition or in support of a mentored research project.
Application Process must include:
- Complete General Information Form (below)
- Official College Transcript
- One Letter of Recommendation from a professor in your field
- Resume or CV highlighting activities pertinent to your field of study (2 page maximum)
- Essay (2 single spaced pages maximum)
Undergraduate Applicants: Briefly, describe your career goals after graduation, and how they relate to natural resource management and/or furbearer management? In other words, why should you receive this award? Please be specific.
Graduate Students: Briefly describe your research project, and how it relates to management of natural resources and/or furbearer management, and how the award will be used. Please be specific Include supporting information about other sources of funding and contact information for your research mentor (e.g. professor). Graduate students receiving the award will be required to provide a 250-word abstract of their research findings for publication in the WTA District 10 newsletter and acknowledge the award in any publication supported by this award.