We appreciate your interest in our referral book. We continue to provide a practical and dependable solution to human and wild animal conflicts. The members listed in this handbook can provide assistance in exclusion, habitat modification as a deterrent, population reduction and maintenance, or zero tolerance management. Additionally, we are committed to educating the public to better understand wild animal behavior and conflict resolution processes.
Due to the variety of species and problems we encounter, you may have to contact more than one individual to resolve a specific problem. This service is not part of any state or federal governmental program; therefore the individuals are a private party entity and they may assess a fee for their services.
Your questions and comments are welcomed and we thank you for your continued support.
Wisconsin Trappers' Association, Inc. • PO Box 305, Oregon, WI 53575 • Telephone: (888) 601-TRAP
The following section has been reprinted from the 2011 Wisconsin Trapping Regulations.
Landowner Provisions: The owner or occupant of any land and any family members who live with
them do not need a license to:
• Trap coyote, beaver, fox, raccoon, woodchuck, rabbit, and squirrel on the land year-round (see “Beaver Damage Control” on page 17 for more information).
• Live trap with cage or box traps for beaver, coyote, fox, woodchuck, rabbit, raccoon, and squirrel on the land at any time in cities, villages, or other areas where the discharge of firearms is unlawful. Live-trapped animals must be either humanely killed or released within 24 hours on unenclosed private land with the landowner’s permission.
Beaver Damage Control:
• Landowners, occupants, and family members living with them may hunt or trap beaver on their land at anytime without a license. If beaver are taken by firearm, the landowner, occupant, or family member harvesting the beaver must be at least 10 years old and comply with firearm possession and hunting mentorship program restrictions (see 2011 Small Game Regulation). Landowners may also trap on beaver dams. Beaver dams may be removed without a permit by the landowners, lessees, or occupants of the land.
• See DNR publication no. WM-007, Beaver Damage Control, or contact the DNR Call Center
at (888) 936-7463 for more information.
Complete and submit this form to add, delete or change your contact information on the Nuisance Wild Animal Removal List. Your information will be updated after approved by a board member. It may take up to 30 days for your name to appear on the list.
Important: Membership in the WTA is required to appear on this list.