A cooperative educational program administered by the
Wisconsin Trappers' Association, Inc. and the
Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
Why trapper education?
Trappers create a positive image when they engage in the responsible and ethical pursuit of our sustainable fur bearer resource. Trapper education courses teach basic trap line skills with an emphasis on ethical, humane and legal trapping methods. The trapper education course provides a solid foundation upon which a safe and successful trapping career can be built. It also helps trappers understand the importance of maintaining good relationships with landowners, other outdoor enthusiasts and managers of our natural resources. The knowledge and skills that you learn will be used everyday on your trapline.
Who must attend?
You are required by law to successfully complete a trapper education course before purchasing your first trapping license. An exception is granted to those actively engaged in farming as defined in Wis. State Statute 102.04(3).
Wisconsin now offers youth supervised and mentored trapping so you can give trapping a shot before taking trapper education. Look in the trapping regulations for more details.
What classes are available?
By far our most popular class type is the traditional in-person trapper education class. This class offers the most opportunity for hands-on learning and is recommended for those new to trapping.
For those who have some hands-on experience, there is an online and correspondence course trapper education class. The online course is done over the web while the correspondence course is done through the mail. Contact Mike Widner below for further details or to get started.
NOTE: The field test-out requirement for online and correspondence course students has been suspended through 2020. The age requirement for online students has been suspended through 2020.
If you would like to become a WCTEP instructor you can contact a coordinator to get started. You will need to fill out the apprentice instructor form found in the INSTRUCTOR RESOURCES section below.
Find an in-person class here:
Contact Information:
Jim Binder, WTA Statewide Trapper Education Coordinator
Email: wctep1@gmail.com
Tel: (920) 250-2515
Mike Widner, Online and Correspondence Course Coordinator
Email: trappereducation@yahoo.com
Tel: (608) 356-3621
WCTEP Trapper Education In-person classes and contact info